How to cancel Webroot Subscription?

Webroot is a cybersecurity company from the US. It has been considered to provide its services for many years with great convenience. You can easily subscribe to Webroot subscription. Now the question arises of how to cancel a Webroot subscription? after subscribing to it. 

Webroot unsubscription policy:

  • If you want to unsubscribe from Webroot, you must unsubscribe at least 24 hours before its renewal date. Otherwise, you will be charged for the next subscription. And you will fail to cancel it.
  • Webroot usually sends a notification for the renewable subscription. You can cancel the subscription at that time.
  • If you have bought the subscription from a third party like play store or apple store, then Webroot will follow the third party's unsubscription policy.

 You can easily unsubscribe from it by choosing any mode of communication given below.

Contact via phone: You can quickly contact their customer care representative to unsubscribe your subscription. You need to take the following steps.

  • Visit the official website of Webroot
  • On their home page, you will see the option of My Accounts. You can choose personal or business according to the subscription you have.
  • Now click on Contact Us.
  • You can call the representative of Webroot on the number mentioned on the page, i.e., 1-866-612-4268, and select option number 2.
  •  You mention your query, and they will let you know the steps you need to follow to cancel your subscription.
  • Webroot will cancel your subscription once you follow these steps.

 Contact via email:  Webroot lets its customers cancel their subscriptions through email.

All you need to do is email webroot customer support at

You will receive a response from them soon, and Webroot will cancel your subscription.

Customers can easily cancel their subscriptions by choosing any of these ways to contact Webroot. This is how to cancel Webroot subscription? hassle free. 


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