How to cancel Norton Antivirus subscription

 Norton provides an automatic subscription to most of its services. But in case you don't want to continue auto-renewal, you can opt to cancel the subscriptions anytime. It is a very simple process and takes only a few minutes to complete the cancellation. If you don't know how to cancel Norton Antivirus subscription? Here you can follow the simple steps given below.

Simple steps to cancel Norton subscription 

·        At first, you need to access your Norton account using Sign in option

·        Now go to the My Account page and click on the cancel Norton auto-renewal button

·        You can get the cancellation button below the subscription; if you want to cancel

·        Once you click on the cancellation button, you can confirm it and follow the instruction on the screen 

Cancel Norton subscription on your iPhone, iPad, and iPad touch 

·        Open the Norton app on your device

·        Log in to your Norton account 

·        Go to the subscription section, click on subscriptions 

·        Click on the cancel subscription button

Cancel the subscription on Mac 

·        Open the application on your phone. 

·        Click on the name else, and sign in if you can't find the name

·        Go to the account settings 

·        Find out the subscription and hit the manage tab

·        Click on the Edit button located next to the subscription 

·        The hit the cancel subscription button

Cancel the subscription on Windows PC

·        First, open iTunes on your Windows PC. 

·        Go to the account and then open 'view My Account from the menu bar 

·        Click on the tab View account 

·        Now navigate to the settings section and click manage, next to subscriptions. 

·        Click on the tab 'edit.'

·        Finally, click on the cancel subscription tab 

So by going through the information above, you can cancel your Norton subscription anytime on any device. Moreover, if you still doubt how to cancel Norton Antivirus subscription? You can speak to the Norton representative directly to get additional information.



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